Congratulations to the following students who have been selected as the 2025 Junior Marshals for this year's graduation: Alayna Williamson, Caroline Wilks, Azariya McCoy, Cassie Campbell, Jessica Blair, Anya Castro, Andi Chalmers, Connor Evans, Christian Sims, and Cole Pigman.
The Junior Marshal title is awarded to the top ten students with the highest academic averages from their junior year. Junior Marshals have an important role in the graduation ceremony, serving in both an honorary and service capacity. Congratulations to these remarkable Patriots!

☀️When the weather is this gorgeous, we take our books outside!
#WeAreYorkPrep #YorkPrepExperience #YorkPrepES

Please join us in recognizing the following student-athletes who were selected as All-Region and All-State members!
AA All-State:
🏀 Boys Basketball: Antwon Young
AA Region 4:
🏀 Girls Basketball: Jordyn Francis
🏀 Boys Basketball: Antwon Young, Chance Neal, Braxton Sumter

York Preparatory Academy has successfully completed our 2025-26 Enrollment Lottery. Notifications of the lottery results will be emailed to families by Thursday, 2/27/25 at 3:30 pm. Students currently enrolled at York Preparatory Academy will have the opportunity to complete the Intent to Return in late April to confirm their continued enrollment for the 2025-26 school year. Thank you to every family that applied and for your interest in partnering with our school!

During Black History Month, Elementary STEAM classes learned about famous Black inventors by reading "Have You Thanked An Inventor Today?" by Patrice McLaurin, which inspired them to plan and create their own original designs.

Jonathan Romano, the Varsity Baseball Coach, was recently interviewed by Prep Baseball South Carolina on the HS Preview Show. Don’t miss it—Go Patriots!
#YorkPrepExperience #WeAreYorkPrep #YorkPrepHS #PatriotPride

Please join us in congratulating Mrs. BethAnn Molesky for being named Elementary Teacher of the Year!
Her colleagues stated, "Mrs. Molesky is a fantastic teacher. She goes above and beyond in her classroom and truly cares about each of her students. She is incredibly knowledgeable in her field and consistently advocates for her students!"
Thank you, Mrs. Molesky, for the difference you are making in the lives of our students and for your positive contributions to our school community!

Volunteering offers you the opportunity to support the programs, students, and events at your child's school and make connections with other parents! Visit https://www.yorkprepsc.org/page/patriot-volunteer-organization and follow the steps to become an approved volunteer!

Congratulations to middle school band students Knox Brown and Jonathan Otero for both placing into the Region 3 Junior Honor Band! This achievement represents a remarkable milestone, as it is the first time in years that more than one middle school student has ranked in the junior band. Knox is ranked 4th in Region 3 on alto saxophone and Jonathan is ranked 12th for flute. The Region 3 band clinic will be held on February 21-22 at Nation Ford High School. Join us in celebrating these talented musicians!
#WeAreYorkPrep #YorkPrepExperience #YorkPrepMS

York Prep teachers and staff go above and beyond to cheer and support students on and off campus because YOU matter!
#WeAreYorkPrep #YorkPrepExperience #YorkPrepES

Yesterday, York Prep's Band and Dance team performed at the 2025 South Carolina Capitol Celebration, honoring National School Choice Week! We are proud of you for representing your school and district well!

We ❤️ our volunteers! Yesterday, we hosted a Volunteer Mingle, providing an opportunity for our volunteers to connect with each other and staff while enjoying sweet treats and hot beverages. Most importantly, they were able to skip the car line!
Are you interested in volunteering? There are countless ways you can get involved and support York Prep's students and programs! Learn more by visiting https://www.yorkprepsc.org/page/patriot-volunteer-organization

Order your dance tickets today! A semi-formal dance for York Prep's Kindergarten-4th grade families, tickets are $15 per student and include two parent/guardian admissions for free! Learn more by visiting https://www.yorkprepsc.org/o/elementary/article/1954560

York Prep Summer Camp is open to rising K-8th grade students from York Prep and the community. It includes field trips, events, activities and daily snack. Space is limited and first come, first serve. Learn more by visiting https://www.yorkprepsc.org/page/summer-camp-2025

After learning about kings and queens in history, our Kindergarten students are celebrating with a royal tea party, enjoying refreshments and practicing their very best manners.
#WeAreYorkPrep #YorkPrepExperience #YorkPrepES

York Preparatory Academy would like to congratulate the following students for receiving national recognition from College Board due to their scores on the PSAT/NMSQT taken this Fall. Congratulations on your achievement!
#WeAreYorkPrep #YorkPrepExperience #YorkPrepHS #FromRootstoBloom

INCLEMENT WEATHER CHANGE: As we continue to monitor the incoming winter weather for this afternoon, we have made the decision to cancel all afterschool programs and activities today. There will be no Patriot’s Promise, Athletics, or Band practices today. All students involved in these programs will need to be picked up during our normal dismissal time today.

#PatriotPride #PatriotNation

100 days older and smarter! Happy 100th day of school York Prep!
#YorkPrepExperience #WeAreYorkPrep #YorkPrepES

Today, many of our 11th and 12th graders are starting their spring dual enrollment classes with York Technical College, Winthrop University, and the USC Lancaster. Dual enrollment allows students to earn credits toward technical certifications and associate degrees, giving them a head start on their individual educational pathways!
▶️Learn more by visiting https://www.yorkprepsc.org/o/high-school/page/dual-enrollment
#WeAreYorkPrep #YorkPrepExperience #YorkPrepHS