York Prep Middle School will begin Patriot Days on March 7th which is a 10-day school wide celebration where we raise money to support the programs and facility at York Prep. As our primary fundraiser of each year, our big goal is to raise $75,000 for activities, upgrades, and facility needs. On March 17th, York Prep Middle School will hold our Color Run and families are welcome to come and cheer on your student. The event will take place on the front soccer field.
How Can I Help?
- Register your student at MYBOOSTER.COM and contact debi.smith@yorkprepsc.org with questions.
- Starting March 7th, reach out to family and friends for pledges of support. Students will win personal and classroom prizes.
- If you are available, make plans to join us on March 17th to cheer on your student. Schedule to be posted.