AP Capstone

Families are welcome to attend our High School AP Capstone Information Meeting on March 10 at 2:00 pm virtually. 

York Prep's AP Capstone program is a two year program where students take AP Seminar and AP Research where they get to choose their own independent topic to research and hone their research, argumentative, writing, and presenting skills. Students who successfully complete both courses and pass both exams will get an AP seminar and research certificate and those who pass both and 4 other AP exams will get an AP Capstone diploma. For additional information, please visit the College Board website https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses/ap-capstone

Please contact Ms. Butler with questions at felicia.butler@yorkprepsc.org.

Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/93640745093?pwd=TG9YSFRWYm9PY2xjT1FWNFlJQzVndz09#success