York Prep students are doing BIG things to support our community! Feel free to partner with us to make a difference! #FromRootstoBloom #PatriotDNA
1) Aid to Australia Supply Drive- Mr. Morris' High School Environmental Science class saw the stories of the animals suffering in the Australian wildfires and decided to help. York Prep’s Aid to Australia supply drive strives to help wildlife rescue and recovery teams in Australia by providing donations of medical supplies. Items being collected included: gauze, bandages, burn cream, vasoline, antibiotic cream, sanitation wipes, animal shampoo, and latex-free gloves. Donations may be dropped off at the High School building this week. Please contact Mr. Morris at randy.morris@yorkprepsc.org with questions.
2) Collecting Tabs- Our Middle School Life Skills class has been collecting can tabs since Thanksgiving to support the Ronald McDonald House and a child named Sam. So far, these students have collected 21 GALLONS of can tabs that will be recycled. Feel free to drop off your tabs at the Student Union to Ms. Reynolds and contact her at christian.reynolds@yorkprepsc.org with questions.
3) Dress Donation Drive- Donate gently used formal or semi-formal dresses to the Student Union this week. Students attending the 8th grade formal or Junior/Senior Prom will have the opportunity to set up an appointment March 14 or 15 to shop for a free dress. Please contact Debra Blanchett at debra.blanchett@yorkprepsc.org to set up your appointment to shop or to volunteer. This event is open to the public.