York Prep's 2024 Back to School Night is Monday, August 5th from 5:00-7:00 pm and we are so excited!
This drop-in event gives you the opportunity to:
Meet your child's teachers, drop off their school supplies, and pick up their carline tags. Schedules and teacher assignments will be sent out Thursday, August 1st.
Meet Mr. Brian Myrup, York Prep Managing Director for a Family Experience Q&A Session in the Athletic Field House Conference room. Session times are 5:30pm, 5:50 pm, 6:10 pm, and 6:30 pm. FREE York Prep car magnet will be available at the sessions!
Bring completed paperwork and medications to the Nurse in your child's building.
Visit our Field House Cafeteria for free samples, to load money on your student's lunch account, and receive support completing your free/reduced lunch form.
Purchase food and hang out at the Field House! King of Fire Pizza, Chappell's Snack Shack, Pot Belly Pigs, and Kona Ice Food Trucks will be on campus selling dinner and snacks. All payment forms will be accepted.