August 5, 2020
Link: Back to School 2020-21
This guide contains information about start of school dates, our red and yellow phases, LEAP day schedules, and instruction for A/B and full ti...

April 17, 2020
Please contact Mr. Foster with questions. FORM LINKS

March 15, 2020
York Preparatory Academy will be closed from 3/16/20 until 3/31/20 due to concerns related to COVID-19. This closure includes all activities, athletics, and Patriot's promise be...

March 9, 2020
C ongratulations to York Preparatory Academy 's Indoor Percussion and Indoor Winds for their fantastic performances at the Carolina Winter Ensemble Association on Saturday.

March 2, 2020
3/2/20: Congratulations to the York Preparatory Academy Jazz Ensemble! Under the leadership of Mr. Gary Rogers, this talented group of students competed in their first SCBDA Jazz ...

February 18, 2020
Please join us for the 6th Grade Winter Concert on February 18 at 6:00 pm in the Student Union.

February 7, 2020
Due to a wind advisory and unsafe conditions, York Preparatory Academy will be closed today, 2/07/20. All after school activities have been canceled. York Prep will make up the da...

February 6, 2020
Due to expected weather in our area with high gusts and sustained winds, York Preparatory Academy will be closing early. All after school activities and Patriot's Promise have bee...

February 3, 2020
On 2/01/20, York Prep Band of Revolution Indoor Percussion and Indoor Winds competed in the Carolina Winter Ensemble Association Preliminary Competition in Lexington, SC and quali...

January 13, 2020
C ongratulations to the following York Preparatory Academy Band students for their performance in this weekend's SCBDA Region Band Auditions at Blythewood High School: Camille...

December 17, 2019
York Prep Holiday Card 2019 : Wishing you a happy and safe holiday season from the faculty, staff and students at York Preparatory Academy!

December 6, 2019
Bring the family to cheer on York Prep’s Middle and High School students as they display their talents at our Homecoming Talent Show on January 17 at 6:30 pm at the Student Union ...

November 12, 2019
Please join us for the York Prep Holiday Band Concert for grades 7th-12th on Thursday, December 19 at 6:00 pm at the Student Union.

November 12, 2019
Monday, December 2: Chester Parade
Friday, December 6: York Parade
Saturday, January 18: Martin Luther King, Jr Parade
Wednesday, January 29: School of Choice Event, Colu...

November 6, 2019
York Preparatory Academy is excited to announce our inaugural Patriot 5K Scholarship Run/Walk ! Students, families, staff, and community members are invited to join us on Saturda...

October 28, 2019
Congratulations to York Preparatory Academy 's Band of Revolution for their highest result at the SCBDA 1A State Championship placing 6th out of 15 bands. We recognize the har...

October 21, 2019
York Preparatory Academy’s Band of Revolution came in 2nd place in the SCBDA 1A Upper State Championship Semi-finals today with a SUPERIOR rating in Music performance! On Saturday...

October 14, 2019
Congratulations to the York Prep Band of Revolution for their EXCELLENT rating at the Blythewood Tournament of Bands on Saturday! Good luck as they compete in the SCBDA 1A Upp...

September 30, 2019
York Preparatory Academy’s Band of Revolution competed in Henry Lauren's Invitational and won 1st Place in Class III, 1st place in Percussion, and named the Green Division Grand C...