Patriot Volunteer


2024/25 Business Partnerships

Meeting Notes from PVO Meeting on 8/27/24: LINK


The Patriot Volunteer Organization helps organize and support school activities and other ways to make our students and programs more successful.


Thank you for being interested in volunteering at York Prep! Here are your steps to become an approved volunteer.

Step #1: Watch the Volunteer Training Video

Step #2: Complete the Secure Volunteer Application


Keeping our students, faculty and staff safe is our top priority! To help ensure safety, volunteers at York Prep are required to complete the Secure Volunteer Application. The cost for the background check is $21.95 and is payable by the volunteer. This background check is good for three years. Applicants will be notified by email when they have been approved.

Crimes in the following categories would disqualify a person from volunteer service: Felony related crimes, crimes involving violence, sex related crimes, and crimes involving weapons. Prospective volunteers with crimes involving drugs, alcohol, and other minor crimes occurring more than 10 years in the past may be considered pending the submission of further details and a meeting with administration. York Prep reserves the right to make exceptions and deny secure volunteer for any reason.

Step #3: Sign Up for a Volunteer Opportunity

York Prep will email volunteer opportunities to approved volunteers throughout the year through Through these direct links, volunteers will be able to select opportunities that meet their availability and interests.

When signing up for an opportunity, volunteers will be required to sign the volunteer agreement. York Preparatory Academy reserves the right to remove any volunteer for not meeting the terms of our volunteer agreement. If the volunteer privilege is revoked, that volunteer may be prohibited from volunteering at York Prep in any capacity in the future.


2024/25 Business Partnerships

Business partnership helps support the programs, events, and education at our school and helps our students achieve success. If you are interesting in finding out more information about your business partnering with York Prep for the 2024/25 school year, please contact Brooke Bruner. Thank you to the following business partners for their investment in education in our community!