Enrollment FAQs

Thank you for your interest in enrolling at York Preparatory Academy. Below are common questions and answers regarding the enrollment process. Please feel free to reach out to brooke.bruner@yorkprepsc.org

How do I apply?

Please visit the ENROLLMENT PAGE to complete an application. Please complete one application per student. Twins or triplets will complete one application listing all multiples on the same application.

Who is eligible to apply?

All students residing in South Carolina are eligible to attend regardless of their zoned district. At the start of the school year, Kindergarten students must be 5 on or before September 1st and First Grade students must be 6. Families moving from out of state may complete an out of state application, but must provide proof of SC residency during the registration process.

How does the lottery work?

All applications received during open enrollment (10/15-2/15) will be added to our enrollment lottery software. Each year, the Enrollment Lottery is scheduled for the end of February with the specific date announced on our website. The enrollment lottery software randomly assigns a lottery number to all applicants and places them in the order of their lottery number on the list. Priority will be given to YPA staff and board children and the siblings of current students. Families will be notified of the lottery results within 48 of the enrollment lottery.

How many spots are offered in the lottery?

York Prep is a Kindergarten-12th grade school with a cap of 130 students per grade level. Enrollment openings are calculated based on the number of students enrolled in the rising grade level and will vary by grade. Because York Prep does not have a preschool program, there are 130 openings in Kindergarten each year.

Do current students need to reapply each year?

No. Current York Prep students do not need to reapply once accepted. Families will be asked to complete an Intent to Return form in late Spring for their current YPA student.

Which students are eligible for priority enrollment?

Pursuant to SC Charter School law, YPA will afford priority enrollment status to siblings of a pupil currently enrolled and attending, children of charter school employees and board members, and siblings of York Prep graduates. Priority enrollment status does not guarantee any student admission to YPA, as acceptance remains based on space availability in each applicable grade. York Prep cannot offer priority enrollment to children residing in the same home that are not legal siblings.

Priority Change for Student Withdrawing on or after 5/2/19: If an applicant has previously withdrawn as a student from York Preparatory Academy, this applicant will no longer be eligible for priority status. The applicant may reapply to York Prep but will not be granted priority status to allow other applicants an equal opportunity to attend. Should a family seek to withdraw their student(s) in order to pursue a unique life opportunity (such as study abroad, etc.) they may preserve their priority status by meeting with the Managing Director PRIOR to the withdrawal from school to fill out a request to do so. The signed request must be on file PRIOR to the student withdrawing from school in order to preserve the priority status.

Do siblings of current students and staff children need to apply?

Yes. To be included in the lottery, you must apply during open enrollment (10/15-2/15).

Does priority enrollment guarantee acceptance?

No. Priority enrollment status does not guarantee any student admission to YPA, as acceptance remains based on space availability in each applicable grade.

If one student is accepted in the lottery, do their siblings get priority?

No. To receive sibling priority in the enrollment lottery, students must have a sibling that attended York Prep in the previous school year.

Do you offer tours?

Yes. Due to the large number of requests, most tours are offered virtually during the school year to minimize classroom disruptions and protect student safety. In-person tours options will be made available closer to the start of school. Please visit the ENROLLMENT PAGE to sign up for an upcoming tour.