(Listed in alphabetical order)

Club Name

Sponsor Name

Where/When Meet


Academic Team

Ms. Felicia Butler

Ms. Olivia Dawson

Mondays/ Wednesdays from 3:15-4:15 pm in HS 114

Beta Club

Mr. Zachary Stahl

Lexi Wooten

Time and day for meetings to be determined

Academic Club requiring invitation

Book Club

Ms. Cheryl Bois

Fourth Friday of the month at lunchtime in HS 134

Drama Club

Mr. Darrin Patterson

4th Friday each month after school until 2:30 pm in SU 119

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Ms. Lisa Archer

Wednesdays at lunch in HS 215

Future Business Leaders of America

Ms. Monica Thompson-Salters

Mr. Chris Jones

Dr. Britny Logan

Every other Thursday at lunch in HS 123

Mu Alpha Theta - Math Honor Society

Ms. Lisa Archer

Ms. Hannah Stanton

To be announced

Academic Club requiring invitation

National Honor Society

Ms. Kellie Hughes

Second Friday of the month at lunchtime in HS 208

Academic Club requiring invitation

National Technical Honor Society

Mr. Tracy Strother

Meeting once a month

Academic Club requiring invitation

Psychology Club

Ms. Carol Dawkins

Room 122 from 3:15 - 4:15 every Thursday

Rho Kappa

Ms. Felicia Butler

1st Wednesday of month at lunch

Science Demonstration Club

Mr. John Keith

Wednesdays from 3:30-4:30 pm in HS 222

Stop the Stigma (Mental Health Awareness)

Nurse Wendy Herndon

2nd and 4th Wednesday at lunch in HS 208

Student Council

Ms. Kelly Lunsford

Every other Tuesday at 7:50 am in HS 111

Ultimate Frisbee Club

Mr. John Keith

Meet on the field across from HS on Mondays and Thursdays from 3:30-5:00 pm

Players should wear athletic clothing and bring a water bottle.


High School Preview Day 3

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